Good examples
The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) wanted to write guidelines for including people with intellectual and psychosocial disability in elections and political processes.
They wanted to hear directly from people with intellectual disabilities and psychosocial disabilities themselves about how to make elections better. They partnered with Inclusion International, an organisation of persons with disabilities representing people with intellectual disabilities, to run inclusive and accessible consultations around the world. Together, United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and Inclusion International chose 15 organisations of persons with disabilities from different regions and supported them to run a focus group in their country.
Plain language consent forms and plain language discussion questions were used in each country. All facilitators were given a plain language glossary of key terms, accessible slides, a facilitator's guide about how to run inclusive meetings, and were given a training about running the focus groups. People with intellectual disabilities were also included as facilitators.
Both the organisations of people with intellectual disabilities and the organisations of people with psychosocial disabilities used the same plain language tools, trainings, questions, and accessible reporting form.
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